Icons - 100x100 avatars of pixelly goodness.
All of the stories below are derivative works of fiction based on the characters and situations presented in the novel Les Misérables. I make no claim to the characters, but they are taken from a work that is in the public domain and are not meant to represent the characters as they appear in the musical by Boublil & Schönberg. M. Hugo's ghost might well be after my blood for writing these, but M. Mackintosh's lawyers can rest in peace.
Some of these stories contain sex, homosexual relationships (slash), and references to situations some people might find disturbing. I've attempted to label the stories that do, but still, caveat lector.
And finally, please refrain from taking anything here too seriously. If you like or hate anything here, or just want to give me feedback, my email is enjolraic at
- Alouette - Cosette doesn't like Eponine and Azelma's games. [Drabble.]
- Driven Like the Snow - Eponine wanders the streets of Paris after the Gorbeau robbery, and is possibly not right in the head. [Gen/Het.]
- Estranged - A family awaits the return of the prodigal son. [Gen.]
- Fairy Tales - Eponine never wondered what Cinderella's stepsisters felt like when they saw her ride away with her prince. [Drabble.]
- Fulfilment - A cliché Enjolras/Grantaire setup carried to its logical conclusion. [Double drabble, slash, slight AU.]
- Geständnis - The suicide note of a prominent Gestapo inspector. [Very AU.]
- In the Gutter - Poor Grantaire. Getting used and insulted by a contemptuous, domineering Enjolras. Poor, poor Grantaire. [Slash, adult content.]
- Hearts on a Windy Street - In the place where the unfortunate and the infamous are joined, La Thénardier is perhaps not the only one who cannot love all her children [Two drabbles, gen.]
- Moving Out - Fifty years after the novel, ghosts haunt the Pontmercy household. [Gen.]
- The Prime of Health - Joly and Bossuet are defiant until the end. Snippet written for Barricade Day '07. [Gen.]
- She Is the Very Model - Enjolras pines after his mistress: an excercise in crack pairings. [Het.]
- Sons of Earth - Combeferre has a bad dream. [Gen.]
- Stains - Grantaire and Enjolras have a misunderstanding, and the good are not innocent. [Slash.]
- A Turning Point - Teenaged Enjolras was quite the rebellious child until he had a personal run-in with misery. More crack pairings. [Het.]